Dirty Air During Winter

Did you know indoor air can be up to 2-5 times more polluted than the air outdoors?

While many of us consider outdoor air to be the more substantial threat in terms of breathing in harmful pollution, the truth is that your indoor air may pose a much larger threat. This article will provide you with important information on how you can address the dirty air during the winter months.

The cooler weather months have arrived and this often means that people will spend more time indoors and have less of an opportunity to open windows and doors allowing fresh air inside. This is the perfect time of year to take some steps towards keeping your home air clean and making sure your indoor air quality is at an acceptable level.

The top three most deadly indoor air pollutants:

  1. Carbon monoxide – Make sure you have a carbon monoxide detector present in your home and that you change your batteries regularly alongside your smoke detectors.
  2. Secondhand smoke – Banish smokers to the outdoors to protect your home from the dangers of cigarette smoke.

3. Radon gas -Radon is a natural radioactive gas that you can’t see, smell, or taste and that has been found in granite counter tops, basements, and well water. You will need a radon test kit if you suspect that your home has an unsafe level of radon gas, or Lakes Area Home Inspections can test your home for elevated levels of radon gas.

There are numerous other threats to your home air that should be addressed as well. Many of the products that you use on a regular basis contain harmful VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) that could be hazardous your health. Paints can release toxic gases such as formaldehyde and acetaldehyde for months after application. Look for products containing low VOC’s and make sure that you have adequate ventilation when using products such as paint or cleaning solutions.

Rain and humidity in the summer and fall months can result in the growth of biological air contaminants such as mold and mildew. The presence of mold and mildew can increase respiratory distress and trigger allergy and asthma symptoms. Testing your home air will alert you to the presence of mold growth so you can re mediate quickly.

How can you protect your home air quality during the winter months? Test, monitor, and test! Test your indoor air for radon. Monitor carbon monoxide levels. Contact us for sampling options to identify any potentially hazardous levels of secondhand smoke, formaldehyde, mold, and hundreds of other VOC’s which may be polluting your indoor air. While you may not have many options during the winter months when it comes to spending most of your time indoors, you can have an active part in keeping your indoor air clean. Get serious about your indoor air quality this winter season – Test, Monitor, and Test!  Lakes Area Home Inspections is here to assist!

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